Protocol: Consistent Sleep Window
Practicing a consistent "in bed" window is one of the most important behaviors that create better quality sleep. You can calculate your ideal "in-bed" window by...

· 1 min read
Practicing a consistent "in bed" window is one of the most important behaviors that create better quality sleep. You can calculate your ideal "in-bed" window by finding the average of your sleep duration over the last 2 weeks with an additional 15 or 30 minutes added for some time to fall asleep and wake up. This habit works best with an anchored wake time, a positive mindset around sleep, and healthy boundaries around prioritizing sleep.
- This is practiced both for improving sleep quality for mental performance and for reversing problematic sleep patterns such as wake ups
- Studies show that consistent sleep timing helps to improve sleep quality which leads to better learning and physical performance
- Work with your coach to determine your average sleep duration and when you would like to wake up consistently.
- Work back from your wake-up to find your bedtime and unwind time.
- be consistent for 1 week and then reassess the wins and challenges with your coach to see if adjustments need to be made.
- We recommend using an alarm clock while your body gets used to its new wake up time
- If you normally have a very irregular sleep schedule or is you are challenged with wake ups and/or long times to fall asleep, you may be faced with getting up at your alarm time, despite getting less sleep than you had hoped for
- This is a normal part of the process in the beginning which is one of the most important challenges to face in order to overcome problematic sleep patterns
- It can be really hard at first but very rewarding once your body adjusts
- One night of shorter sleep makes it more likely that you will have good sleep the next night